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24-HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: 1.617.623.5900

For hearing impaired callers: Dial 711 or
click here.

LÍNEA DE CRISIS DE 24 HORAS: 1.617.623.5900

Para personas con problemas de
audición:Dial 711 or click here.

24/24 SERVICE D' URGENCE : 1.617.623.5900

Pour les sourds et malentendants composez
le: 711 ou cliquez ici.

24 hrs - Linha de Emergência: (617) 623 5900

Deficientes Auditivos podem ligar 711 ou
clique aqui.

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Respond Logo

24-HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: 1.617.623.5900

For hearing impaired callers: Dial 711 or
click here.

LÍNEA DE CRISIS DE 24 HORAS: 1.617.623.5900

Para personas con problemas de
audición:Dial 711 or click here.

24/24 SERVICE D' URGENCE : 1.617.623.5900

Pour les sourds et malentendants composez
le: 711 ou cliquez ici.

24 hrs - Linha de Emergência: (617) 623 5900

Deficientes Auditivos podem ligar 711 ou
clique aqui.

Services in English | Español | Français | Português

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Respond Logo

24-HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: 1.617.623.5900

For hearing impaired callers: Dial 711 or
click here.

LÍNEA DE CRISIS DE 24 HORAS: 1.617.623.5900

Para personas con problemas de
audición:Dial 711 or click here.

24/24 SERVICE D' URGENCE : 1.617.623.5900

Pour les sourds et malentendants composez
le: 711 ou cliquez ici.

24 hrs - Linha de Emergência: (617) 623 5900

Deficientes Auditivos podem ligar 711 ou
clique aqui.

Services in English | Español | Français | Português

What is Abuse?

Has your partner ever:

  • Hit, kicked, shoved, strangled or hurt you in any physical way?
  • Screamed at you, put you down, threatened, ridiculed or criticized you repeatedly?
  • Been constantly or violently jealous?
  • Punched the wall or broken things in anger?
  • Blamed you for their problems?
  • Used or threatened to use a gun, knife or other weapon against you?
  • Told you no one will believe you?
  • Kept you from seeing your friends or family?
  • Coerced or forced you to participate in sexual acts?
  • Kept your paycheck from you or restricted access to your money?
  • Relentlessly called, texted, IM'd, e-mailed or used other forms of technology to harass you?
  • Followed or stalked you?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you may need some help. Below is a list that will help identify a high risk domestic violence relationship. This list is intended as a guideline; if "yes" is answered to one or more of these questions, please call RESPOND's 24/7 hotline 617-623-5900 to create a safety plan, get more information and learn what you can do to minimize the level of risk.

Is there/has there been:

  1. An escalation in violence (severity or frequency) within the past year?
  2. Access to guns and/or weapon(s)?
  3. Recent estrangement (left/ended the relationship or recent separation within the last year)?
  4. Unemployment?
  5. Threats, display of or use of a weapon(s)?
  6. Threats to kill you/your children/family?
  7. Avoided arrest or police involvement for domestic violence?
  8. Child(ren) from another relationship?
  9. Forced or coerced sex?
  10. Strangulation/choking, past or present?
  11. Use of drugs?
  12. Abuse of alcohol?
  13. Control of daily activities?
  14. Violently or obsessively jealous?
  15. Violence during pregnancy?
  16. Attempted or threatened suicide?
  17. Threats to kill or harm children?
  18. Fear of being seriously harmed or killed?
  19. Stalking/monitoring/harassing?

If so, you may be in an abusive relationship. Sometimes people are not sure if they are being abused. Abuse is a pattern of controlling and coercive behavior one individual uses over another to gain power and control in the relationship. People who are abused often blame themselves, think no one will believe their story or think their situation is hopeless with no way out. If you have experienced these things, are being hurt or abused in any way, it is not your fault! At RESPOND, we will help you find strategies to keep safe. You are not alone. Please call RESPOND's 24/7 hotline at 617-623-5900 for more information, options, resources and referrals.

If you concerned for a friend, loved one, colleague or family member, please call the 24/7 hotline 617-623-5900. RESPOND can listen and help determine the best way to approach your loved one to let them know there is help.